It presents a list of files/ readings from a driver card or digital tachograph which were downloaded to the program.
The history of readings can be opened in two ways:
•from TachoScan menu select: [118] History of downloads;
•press the combination of keys.
On the left side of the readings of history, a list of files/ readings, divided into tabs, is displayed:
•Drivers - shows the list of readings from the driver card;
•Vehicles - shows the list of readings from the digital tachograph;
•Invalid - shows the list of damaged readings that were not identifiable;
The importance of filters:
•Show transgressions only - displays the readings, in which the number of days since the previous reading is greater than 28 days for the driver card and 90 days for the tachograph;
Print readings history: |
Additional items in the drop-down menu of the list: •Show the details - opens the summary of reading (with a digital signature verification) of the selected file. Additional options: ➢ ➢ •Report preview - opens the window to display History of downloads report. |