This module of TachoScan is an "Engine" that carries out administrative functions and enables setting user privileges to specific modules according to the customer's requirements.

The main module has the following functions for configuration of system:

Creating new users of program and the privileges for them.

Creating of templates and dictionaries that are used later on in program.

Determining of schemes for numbering of documents and orders.

Setting folders for backups of databases.

General settings of program etc...

Furthermore, the build-in remainder function basing on data from installed modules alerts the customer in advance about the deadlines for:

Expiring validity of vehicle’s technical certificates.

Expiring validity of driver's health fitness certificates.

Deadlines for changing of tyres, oil, etc...

The need to buy vignettes

The elements of TachoScan program menu belonging to Engine module are:

Depending on user privileges for working with modules the "Main menu" will be increased with additional commands.

The description of additional commands is separate for each module. For example: the description of menu: "TachoScan" is placed in: "Module TachoScan -> Main menu -> TachoScan".



Table of Contents

Quick Launch Button


Show incoming tasks


General information

Main menu