The list of attestations comprises, depending on the set filters, the periods for which the attestations have been issued.
An attestation may be also added using the following methods:
•press button combination ;
•from the main menu of TachoScan select List of attestations option.
To add, modify or delete an attestation use lists toolbar.
Additional items in the drop-down menu of the list: •Print attestation: ➢A5 attestation - attestation will be issued in A5 size; ➢A4 attestation- attestation will be issued in A4 size; ➢A4 attestation with translation - attestation will be issued in A4 size, in three languages; •Alter data for selected items (allows to change some parameters without having to open the edit window) ->: ➢Day type - change the type of absence (day off, sick leave, availability, etc.); ➢Issuance and signing date; ➢Issuance and signing place. |
When you click to expand the: •"Add attestations" <- click to display a description; •"Find attestations" <- click to display a description. |