This report is a collation of detailed times of: driving, other work, availability and rest times for one driver in the specified period of time. Depending on the specific type of this report, the distance and vehicle driven by this driver will also be shown.

Reports can be generated in three different ways:

"[135] by disc dates - detailed";

"[136] by disc dates - summary";

"[137] according to real dates";

"[138] on the night shift" - The report shows detailed times of: driving, other work, availability and rest for one driver in a specified period in night shift (see: Companies). When a night shift begins in the middle of an activity, then this activity will be split up and only the night-shift-part is taken into account for the report.

click to expand/collapseHow to create a report



Tylko dla raportu "wg dat tarcz analityczny".




Report preview can be displayed using the toolbar (see: Generating reports topic for more).

Report preview window - click on the number in the Tacho no. column, to open a view/edit window for "day of the driver card" / "record sheet".



See also:

Report preview window (printing and exporting)