Tutorial - Attestation of secondment to work in France

According to the information published at "http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/formalites-declaratives-applicables-au-detachement-dans-transport-routier" since 01.01.2017 any new attestation of secondment should only be filled in through the website of the French Ministry of Labour: "https://www.sipsi.travail.gouv.fr".


 This tutorial explains which data is to be entered in TachoScan in the print generation window for Attestations of secondment of an employee performing the transport by road within the framework of the provision of services by a shipping company.

Drivers / Driver's data


In the list, select the drivers for whom you want to print the attestation.

If you select (click) on the selected first name/surname of the driver, the personal information needed to issue the attestation are displayed below the table.

Data such as: Birth date., Birth place., Nationality, Address can be added/edited directly in the print generation window.

The data will be SAVED in the database!


Other data can be modified only in the employee editing window ("Basic data -> Employees" menu).

For all seconded drivers, fill in the employee editing window: Nationality, Birth place. and other basic employee data, if missing.


Driver's data (Last name, First name, Birth date., Birth place., Nationality, Address)

Basic data of a seconded driver.

The data, if entered, will be copied from the employee editing window:

Click to zoom in/out

Fig. Employee editing window - "Basic data" tab.

Click to zoom in/out

Fig. Employee editing window - "Addresses" tab.


Date of signing the employment contract with the company for which the driver currently performs the carriage (in the program, this is the active company).

This is the date of commencement of an uninterrupted (a gap can not be longer than one day) period of employment of the driver in your company. The date is automatically generated by the program based on the entered employment contracts.


Click to zoom in/out

Fig. Employee editing window - "Contract" tab.


Enter the hourly rate of remuneration.




Company data


Company, Address, E-mail, Phone no.

Basic data of the company which employs the seconded employee(s). The name and Address of the company must be the same as stated in the Community license.

The data, if filled in, will be copied to the edit window for the active company (headquarters):

Click to zoom in/out

Fig. Company editing window - "General data" tab.

Click to zoom in/out

Fig. Company editing window -"Contacts" tab.

Legal form:

Legal form adopted by the company at the time of registration.

Inventory no.

According to the French form, the number to be stated is the one assigned with the entry in the national electronic register of road transport operators, as referred to in Article 16 of the Euro-pean Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 of 21 October 2009.






Last name, First name, Birth date., Birth place.

First, enter the person managing the company.


The field is not required - can be filled in if there are more persons responsible for/managing international transport, e.g. transport manager, dispatcher.






Identification details, Last name lub Company, First name, Address, Phone no., E-mail

The data of the representative of the transport company in the territory of France appointed in writing.





Name of the institution common to all the selected drivers.




CERTIFICATE EXPIRATION DATE (no longer than 6 months from the date of its preparation)


Date of issue and validity of the attestation.





The following fields, when completed, will be the same for all the selected drivers.

Professional qualifications:

When should I select: 150M - Highly qualified drivers of trucks (group 7)? — before you make your choice, read about it in: "Professional qualifications:"topic in the: "Tutorial - Calculation of compensation for work in other countries - France" document:(incorrectly entered professional qualifications are fined).


Labour law governing the contract of employment:

List of internal regulations of the selected country.




Board cost (check the appropriate box): (If applicable) Costs of accommodation (check the appropriate box):


Board cost (check the appropriate box):

Paid directly by the employer: - select if the cost of food are returned to the driver on the basis of invoices and receipts provided or if the employer provides food;

Reimbursement of expenses paid by the employee in advance - select if the driver is paid an advance for the costs of food, and then enter the amount of the advance in euro;

Allowance payment - select if the driver is paid to a subsistence al-lowance, and then enter the amount in euro.

(If applicable) Costs of accommodation (check the appropriate box):

Paid directly by the employer: - select if the cost of ac-commodation are returned to the driver on the basis of invoices and receipts provided

or if the employer provides accommodation;

Reimbursement of expenses paid by the employee in advance - select if the driver is paid an advance for the costs of accommodation, and then enter the amount of the advance in euro;

Allowance payment - select if the driver is paid a lump sum accom-modation allowance (accommodation is not provided to the driver), and then enter the amount in euro.