List of data that the program can export:
The data is placed in the foreign section edit window ("TachoScan" -> "[253]Entering and leaving a foreign country territory" menu). Import: Date and time format: "Year-month-day hour:minute:second", date separator: "-" (hyphen), time separator: ":" (colon). |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Eksport data_eksportu="2016-12-01" ver="">
<!-- Date of the export and the program version
Import: "data_eksportu" and "ver" are not required and may be disregarded altogether. NOTE "node": <Eksport> is required ->
<TRozListaKierowca type="TSysListaKierowca">
<!-- List of employees for whom data was exported/imported -->
<TSysKierowca type="TSysKierowca">
<!-- Employee details section -->
<!-- Internal obiect identifier
Import: Not required, may be disregarded altogether ->
<!-- Internal obiect identifier
Import: Not required, may be disregarded altogether ->
<!-- Employee name
Import: Not required, may be disregarded altogether -->
<!-- Employee middle name
Import: Not required, may be disregarded altogether -->
<!-- Employee surname
Import: Not required, may be disregarded altogether -->
<!--Employee identifier for universal data export from the Settlement module - edit employee window, "Settlement and cooperation" tab
( - menu: " -> [005] ")
Import: Not required, may be disregarded altogether -->
<!--Employee identifier in "R2-Płatnik" software - edit employee window, "Settlement and cooperation" tab
Import: Not required, may be disregarded altogether -->
<!--Employee identifier for "EnoVa" software - edit employee window, "Settlement and cooperation" tab
Import: Not required, may be disregarded altogether -->
<!--Cost Centre (MPK) - edit employee window, "Settlement and cooperation" tab
Import: Not required, may be disregarded altogether -->
<!--"System1" code set for the employee - edit employee window, "Settlement and cooperation" tab
Import: Not required, may be disregarded altogether -->
<FSysListaDefinicjaImportuWartosc type="TSysListaDefinicjaImportuWartosc">
<!-- Import definition list - employee edit window, "Settlements and cooperation" tab
<TSysDefinicjaImportuWartosc type="TSysDefinicjaImportuWartosc">
<!-- Import definition section
Import: Na podstawie "nazwy" w poniższej sekcji oraz "wartości" program rozpoznaje pracownika -->
<!-- The import definition value,
Import: for example ID of the employee, for whom you import data - before importing, enter for each employee in the program
Unique value for each employee in a specific "Import definition name" (see below) -->
<SysDefinicjaImportu type="TSysDefinicjaImportu">
<!--Import definition name,
Import: for example. Program name/code, for which you specify "Import definition value" - before importing, enter for each employee in the program
Unique value on the import definition list -->
<TSysDefinicjaImportuWartosc type="TSysDefinicjaImportuWartosc">
<SysDefinicjaImportu type="TSysDefinicjaImportu">
<FRozListaOdcinekZagr type="TRozListaOdcinekZagr">
<!--List of sections while abroad - List of entries to/exits from the territory of other countries
(- "Settlements" menu) -->
<TRozOdcinekZagr type="TRozOdcinekZagr">
<!-- Foreign section section -->
<data_od>2016-05-06 04:27:00</data_od>
<!--Date of beginning of the section abroad - date format: "Year-month-day hour:minute:second" date separator: "-" (hyphen)hour separator: ":" (colon)
Import: Date and time of beginning the same section abroad must be earlier than the date and time of ending it (at least by one minute).
Sections can not overlap - another section must start at least one minute later than the end of the previous section abroad.
Seconds are ignored. -->
<data_do>2016-05-07 04:47:00</data_do>
<!--Date of ending of the section abroad
Import: Date and time of the end of the same section abroad must be later than the date and time of beginning the section (at least by one minute).
Seconds are ignored. -->
<SysPanstwo type="TSysPanstwo">
<!-- Section of a foreign country section -->
<!--Vehicle code of the section abroad
Import: If you entered the internal identifier for the country of the section abroad, the vehicle code is not required and may be disregarded altogether
Acceptable values:
"F" - France, "D" - Germany, "N" - Norway, "A" - Austria, "I" - Italy, "NL" - Netherlands, "L" - Luxembourg, "FIN" - Finland.-->
<!--Internal ID of the foreign country.
Import: If you entered the car code, the internal ID is not required, it can be disregarded altogether.
Acceptable values:
"Resstrings_IDS_Francja" - France, "Resstrings_IDS_Niemcy" - Germany, "Resstrings_IDS_Norwegia" - Norway, "Resstrings_IDS_Austria" - Austria, "Resstrings_IDS_Wlochy" - Italy, "Resstrings_IDS_Holandia" - Netherlands, "Resstrings_IDS_Luksemburg" - Luxembourg, "Resstrings_IDS_Finlandia" - Finland -->
<SysPanstwoDocelowe type="TSysPanstwo">
<!--Section of the destination country of the section abroad
Import: The section is not required, it can be disregarded altogether - the destination country will be the same as the country of the section abroad -->
<!-- Is the "Consider compensation to the minimum wage" option checked
"1" - YES, "0" - NO
Import: If you do not specify the value, YES is set by default -->
<!--Internal identifier - Was the section previously imported
"1" - YES, "0" - NO
Import: Disregard this identifier. Its value is always: YES -->