The following components are according to the French Labour Code:
•Overtime work allowance for work during the equivalent / overtime hours: ▪equivalent hours - overtime, for which allowance of 25% must be paid; ▪overtime - the hours for which the allowance of 50% shall be paid; •Allowance for night work (it applies to drivers engaged in the transport of goods) - This is 20% of the amount declared as The basis for calculating the hourly rate of the allowance for the night time work - this basis is shown in the "[178] Minimum daily rate in foreign countries" window ("TachoScan" menu);
The allowance for the night time work does not apply to drivers performing "Passenger transport".
•Sunday and holiday work allowance - calculated on the basis of the algorithm described below, resulting from the French legislation (the list of French holidays is available in the: "[011] Holidays and free days" window - "Basic data" menu, a fixed allowance for work on Sundays and holidays for France is specified in the "[178] Minimum daily rate in foreign countries" window): ▪allowance for the holidays - depends on the uninterrupted seniority: ▪from 0 to 6 months - all holidays paid at a fixed allowance rate (see the table below); ▪from 6 to 12 months - holidays in bold (see the table below) are payable at 200% of the rate, the remaining holidays paid at a fixed allowance rate; ▪over 12 months - all holidays paid at 200% of the rate; ▪1st May - Labour Day and lily of the valley holiday - always paid at 200%, REGARDLESS OF THE SENIORITY; ▪allowance for Sundays - regardless of the seniority paid at a fixed allowance rate (see the table below);
Fixed allowance (as of July 2016):
- working for up to 3 hours - daily allowance = € 13.75;
- working for more than 3 hours - daily allowance = € 27.49;
List of French holidays:
- January 1 - New Year (le Jour de l'An, le Jour du Nouvel An) - fixed holiday;
- Easter Monday (Lundi de Pâques) - movable holiday;
- May 1 - Labour Day and lily of the valley holiday (la fête du muguet) - fixed holiday;
- May 8 - Victory Day (Fête de la Liberté et de la Paix) - fixed holiday;
- Ascension (Jeudi de l'Ascension) - movable holiday;
- Pentecost (la Pentecôte) - movable holiday;
- July 14 - French National Day (storming of the Bastille) - fixed holiday;
- August 15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (L'Assomption) - fixed holiday;
- November 1 - All Saints Day (La Toussaint) - fixed holiday;
- November 11 - Anniversary of the Armistice (Armistice) - fixed holiday;
- December 25 - Christmas Day (Noël) - fixed holiday.
•Length of service allowance - the rate is Increased according to the following table.
The allowance table according to uninterrupted service (seniority):
- from 2 to 5 years = 2%;
- from 5 to 10 years = 4%;
- from 10 to 15 years = 6%;
- over 15 years = 8%.