The window contains a list of drivers / vehicles read from digital data.
Markings on the list:
•(new) - the driver / vehicle is not listed in the program database;
•black - digital data correct - ready to save;
•green - data saved;
•red - invalid certificate or data / file contains other errors - saving not available;
•gray - data not saved (e.g. button pressed)
By default, the following tabs will be displayed on the right side of the window:
•Basic data:
▪driver card - includes, among others, Card identification data and Previous control data;
▪tachograph - includes, among others, Vehicle data and Tachograph data
•Certificates - the results of the digital signature verification are presented and for smart tachographs, additional information on the date of entry into force of the certificates. When reading from the driver card, the tab will be divided into two sections: 1st Generation and 2nd Generation.
Clicking on the selected driver / vehicle (list on the left side of the window) will close the tabs: "Basic data" and "Certificates", and in their place will open the tabs: Select a driver or save a new one / Select the vehicle or add a new one (see ""Save a new driver" window" / ""Save a new vehicle" window"topic for more).
In the bottom part of the window there are the following buttons:
• - the data will be saved to the database;
• - data saving will be cancelled.
If you do not want the summary window to be displayed, check the |