The structure of the imported xml file

Minimum amount of data needed to complete the import:


Place in the program from where you can import data: menu

"TachoScan" -> "[177] Entering and leaving a foreign country territory" menu, icon: .

Date and time format: "Year-month-day hour:minute:second", date separator: "-" (hyphen), time separator: ":" (colon).
Not described value: string type.


Before importing, enter the import definition, individually for each employee ("Basic data"-> "Employees" -> open the selected employee for editing -> "Settlements and cooperation"). In the Definition field, specify the source from which you want to import data (e.g. APD), and in the Value field, the number you assign individually to the employee (you assign this number yourself).


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


 <TRozListaKierowca type="TSysListaKierowca">

<!-- List of employees for whom data was exported/imported -->

  <TSysKierowca type="TSysKierowca">

<!-- Employee details section -->


<!-- Employee name -->


<!-- Employee surname -->

    <FSysListaDefinicjaImportuWartosc type="TSysListaDefinicjaImportuWartosc">

<!-- Import definition list - employee edit window, "Collaboration" tab -->

     <TSysDefinicjaImportuWartosc type="TSysDefinicjaImportuWartosc">

<!-- Import definition section
NOTE: Based on the "nazwa" in the following section and the "wartosc" the program recognizes employee -->


<!-- Import definition value,
e.g. employee ID, for which you import data - before importing, enter for each employee in the program TachoScan (Basic data -> Employees -> open the selected employee for editing -> Settlements and cooperation -> in the Import definition section, Value.
Unique value for each employee in a specific "Import definition name" (see below) -->

       <SysDefinicjaImportu type="TSysDefinicjaImportu">


<!-- Import definition name,
e.g. Program name/code of the program, for which you specify "Import definition value" - before importing, enter for each employee in the program TachoScan (Basic data -> Employees -> open the selected employee for editing -> Settlements and cooperation -> in the Import definition section, Definition.
Unique value on the import definition list -->




    <FRozListaOdcinekZagr type="TRozListaOdcinekZagr">

<!-- List of sections while abroad - List of entries to/exits from the territory of other countries
(TachoScan - "TachoScan" menu) -->

     <TRozOdcinekZagr type="TRozOdcinekZagr">

<!-- Foreign section section -->

       <data_od>2016-05-06 04:27:00</data_od>

<!-- Date of beginning of the section abroad
NOTE: Date and time of beginning the same section abroad must be earlier than the date and time of ending it (at least by one minute).
There must not be any pause between leaving one country and entering another - a section of stay on the territory of a designated country should start in the same minute as the stay on the territory of the previous country ended.
Seconds are ignored. -->

       <data_do>2016-05-07 04:47:00</data_do>

<!-- Date of ending of the section abroad
NOTE: Date and time of the end of the same section abroad must be later than the date and time of beginning the section (at least by one minute).
Seconds are ignored. -->

       <SysPanstwo type="TSysPanstwo">

<!-- Section of a foreign country section -->


<!-- Vehicle code of the country of the section abroad
Acceptable values:
"F" - France, "D" - Germany, "N" - Norway, "A" - Austria, "I" - Italy, "NL" - Netherlands.
Target country will be the same as the country of the section abroad -->





