The report, depending on the chosen option, presents a summary of events and faults that have been recorder on the driver’s card or directly in the tachographs memory.
The report can be generated for the data:
•from the digital card - in "the day from the driver card preview/edition window" button: ;
•from the digital tachograph - in the "data from the tachograph preview window -> Events and faults" button: .
1.Depending on needs, choose the report to be generated from the main menu. 2.Depending on the report type, a report preparation window appears for driver or for vehicle. Please provide the following:
•period of time in question (see: "Inserting dates"); •select driver/s from the driver list, or select vehicle/s from the vehicle list; •Events Data - check/ uncheck the selected event.
Report preview can be displayed using the toolbar (see: Generating reports).
See also:
Report preview window (printing and exporting)