Driver’s daily chart can be edited and offers the following options:

- allow to zoom in and zoom out all daily charts or return to the default size.


click to expand/collapseDaily activity chart


Editing a driver and a vehicle





click to expand/collapseAdding, editing, deleting entries of start and end countries
click to expand/collapseSelected area


Add, edit and delete events

The program allows you to add, move and delete events downloaded from the driver card.

If the "Select a vehicle so that you can edit data" prompt appears instead of the "Editing blocked" field, it means that the driver - for the day under consideration – has records from at least two vehicles. In such a case the window will be modified as follows:

- the mileage counter status showing kilometres on start and return is hidden,
- the "Change vehicle" button is blocked,
- records for all vehicles will be visible in the list of activities, in the summary, and in windows showing locations, events, failures and annotations (if a particular vehicle is chosen, then, only records for the vehicle will be visible in the above mentioned windows).

To unblock the elements listed above, select the specific vehicle registration number in the "Vehicle" field.



If we have a digital tachograph reading (the same vehicle) for the edited day, then it is possible to copy data from the tachograph to the location of the event card withdrawn (mark " ? ").




Dropdown menu

The view of drop-down menu, activated by clicking it with the mouse right button:

Click to zoom in/out

Fig. Drop-down menu.





click to expand/collapseSaving day from driver's card
click to expand/collapseOther buttons and options