•(version 3.6.3 and higher) New print out options have been included in weekly chart window;
•change of report title from "Download deadlines" to "Download and validity deadlines"; •in program settings window, in "Digital" bookmark the following options have been included: ➢Notice regarding expiry of card and calibration validity […] days in advance; ➢Upon program activation, show message of no read outs/ expired validity – if this option is marked, in the driver card and digital tachograph read out summing up window, the program will display the date of previous read out, and the number of days since previous read out will be shown in brackets; ➢Default deadline for driver card read out has been changed from 21 to 28 days; At present, absence of either card or digital tachograph read out may constitute a basis for imposing a fine on a transport company during a relevant control in the entire EU. Registering the date of last driver card read out while making such read out is of great importance. This operation is carried out by tachograph, card reader: TachoReader and TachoReader Combo, when card is read by these devices. In case of reading out with other devices available on the market, the date of last read out is not saved onto the card. If the date of last read out is not registered on the card, then, this creates a risk of a fine and brings about a necessity of repealing that decision.
•Icon used to scan/add from disk any documents, has been added on to tacho disk and driver card analysis windows. •(version 3.6.3 and higher) On disk print out preview, the size of disk image has been enlarged up to the original size of chart. •(version 3.6.3 and higher) Program support for Canon LiDE 110 and LiDE 210 scanners has been added. •In "Vehicles control" report with km verification, average vehicle speed in picked days as well as coefficient of vehicle use during report-covered period have been added. •In "Select a driver or save a new one" window that precedes digital data recording, an option "Save the data since [...]" has been included;
•[F4] - Weekly chart - "Driver offences" report window, driver card and tacho disk analysis window; •[F3] - Edit the day - "Driver offences" report window; |
•Visual stability of the list has been improved: ➢after opening and closing of additional windows, the marking in offences list remains in its place; ➢a click on an item results in highlighting the whole line and not just a single cell; ➢options of filtering, sorting and shifting of columns of offences list have been included; •A field with an option for selecting drivers groups has been added; •"Norm" column has been included in offences print out; •Weekly chart: ➢there has been added on an option of chart shifting by using keyboard keys (up and down arrows – shift the chart by a day, [PageUp] [PageDown] – shift it by a week, [Home] [End] - start, end of chart), or using mouse wheel; ➢week days: Sunday and Monday are separated by a slash; |
If that same driver (with the same digital card number) in the program is hired in several companies, then, at the time of driver card read out the data will be recorded for the driver from active company. If no driver is from the active company, then, during driver card read out, select driver window will appear.
•Corrected error connected with adding night accommodation at the time of issuing a business trip document from driver digital card day window; |