The components listed below, when checked, will be included in the calculation of the minimum compensation (these components result from the Belgian Collective Agreement for transport and logistics):
•Overtime work allowance for work during the equivalent / overtime hours: 50% bonus for work over 38/39 hours a week (depending on the weekly working time equivalent).
When the Allowance for overtime work and Sunday and holiday work allowance was selected:
If overtime falls on a Sunday / holiday Allowance for overtime work is not calculated due to calculating the allowance for working on Sunday and public holidays
•Allowance for night work -Night work includes at least a 5-hour period of work or availability between 20:00h and 6:00h.
In addition, the driver must meet one of the following conditions: ▪during the calendar month, he/sh has worked at least five consecutive days in a system including night work; ▪during the calendar month he/she has worked at least half of the days in the system including night work (counting from the first full month of work). The amount of the allowance depends on the age of the driver and is defined in the "Foreign allowances" tab ("TachoScan" menu) (see Allowances topic for more).
•RGPT allowance: sanitary allowance for every hour of work and/or availability. The amount of the allowance is defined in the "Foreign allowances" tab ("TachoScan" menu) (see Allowances topic for more). •Sunday and holiday work allowance - ▪work on Sundays and holidays - a 100% bonus (200% of remuneration) ▪work on holidays - allowance depending on the weekly working time equivalent: ▪7.6h x hourly rate (in the case of a 38 hour working time equivalent) ▪6.3h x hourly rate (in the case of a 39-hour working time equivalent) ▪duty falling on Sundays and holidays - a 50% allowance (from 99% of the hourly rate plus seniority allowance). The list of Belgian holidays is available in the "Holidays and free days" window, "Basic data" menu:
List of Belgian holidays:
- 1 January - New Year (le Jour de l'An) - permanent holiday;
- Easter Monday (Lundi de Pâques) - movable holiday;
- 1 May - Great Monday, Labor Day (Fête du Travail) - permanent holiday;
- Ascension (Jeudi de l'Ascension) - movable holiday;
- Pentecostal Monday - (Lundi de Pentecôte) - movable holiday;
- 21 July - National Holiday (Fête nationale) - permanent holiday;
- 15 August - Assumption of the Virgin Mary (L'Assomption) - permanent holiday;
- 1 November - All Saints' Day (La Toussaint) - permanent holiday;
- 11 November - Armistice Day - permanent holiday;
- 25 December - Christmas (Noël) - permanent holiday.
In accordance with Belgian regulations, the seniority allowance is also added to the remuneration (see Allowances topic for more). The amount of the supplement is defined in the Foreign Allowances tab (TachoScan menu). The options for calculating job seniority for Belgium are available in the "Settings - other countries" tab (menu: "Basic data" -> "[005]Employees", open for editing or add a new employee).
If you do not want to include the seniority allowance when calculating the minimum wage compensation:
1. From the TachoScan menu, select Foreign Allowances.
2. Using the list toolbar, open the edit Seniority Allowance window.
3. Change hourly rates to "0".
The components of the Belgian minimum wage increase the adjustment to the Belgian minimum wage.