A mechanism was added for calculation of remuneration compensation for the working time while on the territory of France, pursuant to the Labour Code, directives and other French regulations related to "the employee performing transport by road within the framework of the provision of services by a shipping company in France."
When calculating the minimum remuneration, French amplitude is taken into account, as well as the change (depending on seniority) in the amount of allowances for work on Sundays and public holidays and allowance for working in equivalent hours/overtime. The program also takes into account the allowance for working at night.
In the program settings window, for TachoScan, the Minimum wage - other countries settings group was added:
("Basic data -> [014] Settings" menu, "Minimum wage - other countries" group)
•The window is divided into three tabs: Germany, France and Norway; •The France tab contains a number of options for calculating compensation for a national minimum remuneration.
("Basic data -> [005] Employees" menu)
•in the add/edit employee window, in: "Basic data" tab: ▪Settle work in the territory of France according to option was added with a selection of Carriage of goods or Passenger transport; ▪Nationality and Birth place. fields were added; •Calculate minimum wage payable for the work time in the territory of foreign countries at the rates table was moved from the add/edit employee window ("Basic data" tab) to the add/edit "employment" window;
("Basic data -> [005] Employees" menu, "Employment" tab)
•in the add/edit employment window: ▪In the Calculate minimum wage payable for the work time in the territory of foreign countries at the rates table, the France row/option was added; ▪the default rate of EUR 9.68 was entered; ▪Employee qualified as mechanic or collector (3% surcharge to the base rate for work on the territory of France) option was added; ▪seniority is calculated automatically based on employment history; •in the list of employees, in the drop-down menu, for "Alter data for selected items": ▪Nationality item was added; ▪Settle work in the territory of France according to item was added;
Hourly rate
("TachoScan -> Minimum daily rate in foreign countries" menu)
•in the add/edit the minimum rate window, France country selection was added; •default rates were added for France: ▪The basis for calculating the hourly rate of the allowance for the night time work: 10,00 €; ▪Regular allowance for work on Sundays and holidays: Till 3h: 13,75 €, From 3h: 27,49 €;
Attestation of secondment, French sections
("TachoScan -> Entering and leaving a foreign country territory" menu)
•the possibility to enter and import French sections was added; ▪updated to include the French section import file - example; •printout ( icon) was added for a Attestation of secondment of the employee performing transport by road within the framework of the provision of services by a shipping company in France; •in START [F2] tab, the following shortcut was added: ▪ Print attestation France.
Rates of exchange
("Basic data -> Rates of exchange" menu)
•in the add/edit exchange rate, two exchange rate tabs were added: Monthly rates ECB PLN and Monthly rates ECB EUR (downloaded from the European Central Bank);
Reports - summary of the results of the calculation of compensation for working time while in the territory of France:
("Reports" menu)
•"[176] Records of working time in foreign countries": ▪separate report for each driver option was added; ▪for drivers performing "Carriage of goods" the Amplitude time column was added in the report preview - the time of amplitude will be calculated in calendar days; ▪for drivers performing "Passenger transport" the time of amplitude will be displayed in the ta-ble - the time of amplitude will be calculated in the periods according to "Calculate the amplitude between rests lasting at least" option (see: "Basic data -> [014] Settings", "TachoScan -> Minimum wage - other countries" tab) ▪information about the mode of transport selected for a particular driver (Carriage of goods or Passenger transport); •"[179] <%ZESTAWIENIE ROZLICZEń NA TERYTORIUM INNYCH KRAJóW (UMOWA O PRACę)%>";
French holidays
("Basic data -> [011] Holidays and free days" menu)
•list of French holidays for the current year was added to the list of holidays and days;
A guide/tutorial was prepared describing step by step the actions to be performed in the program to calculate the compensation to the national minimum remuneration. You can access the tutorial by following the link: "Tutorial - Calculation of compensation for work in other countries -> France"